Notice of a Finding of No Significant Impact
The USDA, Rural Utilities Service has received an application for financial assistance from North Alamo Water Supply Corporation (NAWSC). The proposal consists of the following activities and locations:
Phase 1 Improvements
- Reservoir for Delta Regional Plant – 60 acres
- Acquisition of 2000-acre feet of Class “A” Water Rights
- 12 Inch Waterline Along FM 1925 from FM 493 to Brushline Road
- 16 Inch Waterline Along Mile 2 West Rd. from Mile 15 1/2 N. Rd. to Mile 12 1/2 N. Rd.
- 1MG Composite Elevated Storage Tank (Edinburg)
Phase 2 Improvements
- Acquisition of 2000-acre feet of Class “A” Water Rights
- 12 Inch Waterline Along FM 493 from FM 1925 to SH 107 then east along SH 107 to Mile 6 West Road & Along SH 107 from FM 493 to 3rd St.
- 12 Inch Waterline Along FM 493 from FM 1925 to 493 Booster
- Expansion of Plant No. 5 Water Treatment Plant – 4MGD
Phase 3 Improvements
- Expansion of Delta Area Water Treatment Plant – 4MGD
- Plant No. 5 – 24″ & 16” Waterline Expansion
- LaSara Reverse Osmosis Plant 1 MGD Well
Phase 4 Improvements
- 1 MG Composite Elevated Storage Tank (Mid-Valley)
- 8 Inch Waterline Along Mile 6 W Rd from SH 107 to Mile 14½ N. Rd
- Construction of a 2 MGD Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment Plant – Delta Area
As required by the National Environmental Policy Act and agency regulations, the Rural Utilities Service prepared an Environmental Assessment of the proposal that assessed the potential environmental effects of the proposal and the effect of the proposal may have on historic properties. The Environmental Assessment was published on August 29, 2015 for a 30-day public comment period. Copies of the Environmental Assessment were made available to the general public at the offices of USDA Rural Development, NAWSC, and Melden & Hunt, Inc. Neither location received comments for the proposal.
Upon consideration of the applicant’s proposal, federal and state environmental regulatory and natural resources agencies, and public input the agency has determined that the proposal will not have a significant effect on the human environment and for which an Environment Impact Statement will not be prepared. The basis of this determination is the need for the project and no foreseen adverse effects on environmental resources.
In order to avoid or minimize any adverse environmental impacts, the Rural Utilities Service will require the applicant to incorporate the following mitigation measures into the proposal’s design:
1. North Alamo Water Supply Corporation will discourage the conversion of prime, unique and important farmland, and will provide orderly compact community growth, subject to the Model Subdivision Rules and Regulations of Hidalgo, Willacy, and Cameron Counties.
2. New developments within the 100-year flood plains will be required to submit approval document and permits for the following:
a. On-site sewage disposal facilities shall be approved by the health authority of Hidalgo County, comply with local requirements for development within the 100-year floodplain, and comply with TCEQ regulations.
b. Compliance certification from Hidalgo County Flood Management Administrator that the site development meets the flood management plan as approved by FEMA.
3. Immediate work stoppage in the event of the discovery of a historical resource. Work will remain halted until such time the State Historical Preservation Officers is consulted.
4. Construction methods such as boring, siltation fencing, etc. will be employed to minimize the potential for erosional effects.
5. Dust control measures such as wetting will be employed.
6. There will be provided signs, detours, barricades and warning lights during construction of the proposed facilities in order to facilitate transportation and to protect the public. Excavation and trenching will not be left open overnight or when not being worked.
7. The contractor will be required to limit his work to daylight hours during the week.
Copies of the Environmental Assessment can be reviewed or obtained at USDA Rural Development, located at 2514 S. Veterans Blvd., Suite 4, Edinburg, Texas 78539. For further information, please contact Elizabeth Garza, Assistant Area Director, USDA Rural Development, located at 2514 S. Veterans Blvd., Suite 4, Edinburg, Texas 78539Phone No. 956.383.4928 ext. 133.
A map of the general area is shown below: