- Developer must submit a preliminary plat and water system layout for Staff review and Board approval.
- For subdivisions greater than four lots, developer must pay a $250.00 Subdivision Review Fee.
- Developer must pay a $2,000.00 Administrative Fee for any subdivision with internal streets to cover expenses for inspection, testing, etc.
- Developer must pay a $500.00 Administrative Fee for any subdivision where construction such as a line extension is required but where no internal streets exist.
- Developer must pay a $500.00 Administrative for any subdivision that is a continuation of an existing subdivision such as a Phase II, III, etc., even if there are internal streets.
- If a city or other entity requires fire hydrants to be placed within the subdivision, the Developer(s) will be responsible for paying the $850.00 fee to prepare of the water line access agreement and $500.00 per fire hydrant installed within the subdivision. Revised 10/07/2020
- Developer must pay a Water Rights Fee equivalent to $850.00 per lot.Developer can apply to the appropriate Irrigation District to have the subdivision excluded from the District and have the water rights assigned to NAWSC. If the developer chooses to exclude, the fees will vary depending on the irrigation district. NAWSC must receive evidence that water rights will be assigned to NAWSC.*** (Water Right Fees in effect January 2004)
- For subdivisions with lots smaller than one-half acre in size, Developer must exclude the subdivision and pay the $850.00 per lot water rights fee based on one-half lot equivalents. Developer is given credit for excluded acreage.***
- All subdivisions are subject to NAWSC’s reimbursement policy.
- Developer must install a service installation on every lot within the subdivision.
- Developer must pay a $400.00 membership fee for each lot (pre-paids) only if subdivision is not within the incorporated boundaries of the city limits (Effective 06/01/2014)
- Developer must provide NAWSC with the actual cost of all water system improvements.
- The contractor chosen by the Developer to construct the water system improvements must be listed on the NAWSC’s approved contractor list.
- All water system improvements must be installed according to NAWSC’s specifications.
- Developer must submit an as built water system lay-out and a final plat on computer disk with the required format and a copy of the final plat recorded by the County Clerk.
- Developer is responsible for paying the cost of all on-site and off-site improvements except for when NAWSC, at its discretion, chooses to up-grade the line to a larger size. NAWSC will pay its share of the cost of the up-grade.
- When easements are required, Developer will reimburse NAWSC $300.00 for each legal instrument prepared and executed by NAWSC’s staff.*
- Developer must grant a 15′ private easement to NAWSC on all subdivisions adjacent to county or state roads.
- If special conditions exist, NAWSC reserves the right to modify some or all of the above rules and regulations.
- If the subdivision contains both water lines and a sewer collection system, the administrative and review fees increase by 50%.**
- Subdivisions requiring sewer service may be required to pay a “Plant Capacity Replacement Fee” of $550.00 per lot.****
Items listed are only a guideline as to what would be required for a subdivision.
The final requirements will be in a Letter of Conditions given by North Alamo Water Supply Corporation.
Please contact Richard Garcia with any subdivision questions.
*Revised 04-01-97
**Revised 08-13-66
***Revised 07-01-00
****Revised 03-13-01